Pre-retirement Survivor Designation
Active and Vested members of the Fund may designate a survivor prior to retirement to take effect in the event that the member passes away before retirement. In all cases, the survivor's benefits will commence at the time the Judge would have been 60 years old. Please review the Survivor Benefit Options to fully understand your options.
Designated Survivor
The designated survivor shall be a person with whom the member has a familial relationship through blood, marriage or adoption.
A member, who is married, may elect a designated survivor other than his or her spouse under this subsection only with the written agreement of the spouse.
This Fund provides a survivor pension for all members who meet retirement eligibility and designate such survivor.
In the event that a member passes away before retirement, and the member did not designate a survivor, the Fund will assume Option 2 for the surviving spouse. Should the member's designated survivor selected prior to retirement pre-decease the member, the Estate may request a full refund of dues + 5% interest per year.
Prior to your retirement date, you may update your Designated Survivor by submitting the Pre-Retirement Option Choice Form.